Contact Us

We are a small specialist law firm that deals with a niche range of legal topics.  You may have seen some of our team on the television or heard us on the radio, talking about those areas of law.  Our work takes us throughout England and Wales.

Our offices are at

The Old Counting House,
82e High Street, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0BS


Prama House
267 Banbury Road,
Oxford, OX2 7HT

Call us on

01491 729 454


01865 582 158

Email us at enquiries

We also have meeting facilities by appointment at Marble Arch, London.

Licensing & Safety Lawyers Ltd, trading as LSL solicitors, is a UK law practice that is Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.  We are registered with the Information Commissioner for data that we hold.  Our Managing Partner is Mr J Godfrey-Payne.  For details of other lawyers, please contact our office.